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We Are Weakfish!

We're creating the best in interactive entertainment by making games that change the way people have fun.

Publish With Us!

We, Weakfish Publishing, Publish and Distribute video Games Globally.

As Weakfish Studio, We Develop Video Games and Porting Games on Consoles, We Ported 12+ Games on 2021 Q3-Q4.


Distribute Global Games on Console and PC Platforms as Weakfish Publishing.

We have been actively developing games since 2018 and doing extensive marketing activities in Global Video Game Distribution. If you want to publish your game with us, do not hesitate to send us an email!

We publish games with everyone! We Publish Our Studio Games, Sub-Studios and Sub-Companies, Indie Developers and Everyone!

Nintendo Anahtarı

What Are We Doing?

Game Development

Our Game Studio and Sub-Game Studios Develop Games of All Kinds and Styles

for Consoles and PC Platform

Game Porting

If you want to release your game on consoles, We porting your game to consoles!

Game Distribution and Publishing

After Analyzing the Game, We Do the Necessary Technical Operations and Do the Marketing Works, and we start the Global Distribution and Publising of the Game.

You’ve created a great game? We will help you to reach new players and maximize your revenue.

We take all necessary actions for Publishing on Platforms

If you are a game developer and want to publish your game on consoles professionally, drop us an email!

Leave your Concept Approval and Complex Port for Console Platforms to the experts! We'll take care of everything necessary for your game to be released on consoles!

(GDI,Concept Approval,Porting,Certification,Licensing and More!)

Game Development

Our Game Studio and Sub-Game Studios Develop Games of All Kinds and Styles

for Consoles and PC Platform

These studios publish their games with us!

(Some studios is not listed)

Publish With Us

If you are a game developer and want to publish your game on consoles professionally, drop us an email!

We’d Love to Work With You

If you are a game developer and want to publish your game on consoles professionally, drop us an email!

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